Sydney Australia Chapter

Do Not Worry - Bro Terry J.

07/03/2010 22:41

Then Jesus said to the disciples,"And so I tell you not to worry about the food you need to stay to alive or about the clothes you need for your body."  Luke 12:22

Each time I read this passage I get a great big whack in the back of my head, just like DiNozzo gets from Jethro in the TV series NCIS, and I hear a voice saying, "See I told you, but you wouldn't listen to me, had to do it your way and found out the hard way. Why won't you listen to Me, My way is the best."
For so long I worried about how I could put the food on the table for my family and make sure they all had reasonable clothes to wear. I would work longer hours getting all the overtime I could possibly get, sometimes even a second job, running from here to there chasing my tail like the dog does, worrying myself sick. Then I would fall down and end up in hospital.
What good was I now to my family?
NOW, no income.
Hurry up and get better so I can do it all over.
Isn't that just sheer madness?
Who am I trying to kid?---- Only myself.
I took me a long time to realise, that God is always there to help us, why are we so proud that we do not bother to ask HIm, or when we do , we don't believe that He will help us.
Huh! I asked you many times i prayed so many times, sometimes all night long but you won't even listen to me, why should it be any different now? Are you really there like all those others say? How come they get all the help and there's none for me? How come?
Dear brothers and sisters, I was like that so many times.
I just couldn't put my trust in the Lord.
I couldn't believe that someone I can't see is going to help me.
I was like Thomas:  I'm not going to believe unless I see.
When you place yourself wholly in God's hands, trust in HIm and believe that HE is there for you 24/7; your whole life changes.
You dont have to woory about anything.GOD SUPPLIES!
These days I place my trust in the Lord and HE supplies all my needs.
Remember He never changes, He's the same yesterday, today and forever.
H has told us so many times of the help He will provide to us if we follow His ways, do His will, and believe and trust in Him.
Let's Nike it.      JUST DO IT!
Just keep singing, "DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY!"

Lord, as we come to you right now, forgive us for our stupidity and enfold us in your open arms, Lord Jesus, take control of our hearts and Holy Spirit, fill our hearts, our minds our bodies, and our souls with your precious gifts. Grant us wisdom, understanding and knowledge to do the Fathers will'.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.


Copyright 2010 Bro Terry Jones, Caboolture, QLD

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